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Traverse Area Paddle Club

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Trip Reports

July 5 - 6th Annual BRCS-NCF Downtown Cleanup

Published on 7/5/2013

July 5, 2013 - BRCS-NCF Downtown River Section Cleanup

23 people from the USCG, TAPC and Bethlehem Lutheran Church came to
work at the BRCS-NCF event.


And more kids - Note the River Princess dress that Addison wore.  Very fashionable.

But they worked just like everyone else.

This gives new meaning to the term - LITTLE GRABBERS.

That's one happy river cleaner.

But it wasn't all fun and games. This is some serious river trash.

Look at that kid work!

River trash photo-op with little kids.

The USCG Air Station crew always finds more trash than anyone else.  Many Thanks to the men and women (and kids) of the Coast Guard for what they do for our country and our community. 

Then there was the TAPC crew that doesn't stand still long enough to get a group picture.  We got started at Hannah - Lay Park around 10:00 because we had to do a shuttle.

Steve Somers doing what he does best - finding more trash than anyone.

Tracie is always there to help out.  She was looking for rubber duckies for her collection.

This was Paul's first cleanup in his new kayak.  Good job Paul!

Danny's first cleanup but he has paddled with us before. Danny, thanks for the shuttle.

When Jim Mitchell, a local business owner, saw us struggling with so much trash in our canoes, he offered to come down the very steep bank and take some of it to put in his dumpster. Thanks Jim!  It's folks like you that give us the encouragement we need to continue this work.

Another passerby helps Tracie pick up some trash near the end of the cleanup.

Not a bad haul for just 7 of us.  The river looks better now.

Paul's wife told him keep his pants clean. I forgot and wore my cotton jeans. Big mistake!

The city crew arrived exactly on time to take the trash so it didn't end up back in the river.
The BRCS says a big THANK YOU! to the NCF organization for thier support of this project.

Any ideas how this got in the river?

All in all, it was a great way to spend my 74th birthday and I am grateful to still be able to enjoy the river with these wonderful people who love it as much as I do.

Grandson Jack and I enjoying my birthday lemon pie.

Norm Fred