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Traverse Area Paddle Club

Remember: all TAPC outings are listed on our event calendar and are color coded using this scheme:


Small Inland Lakes   

Great Lakes   

Easy Rivers 

Intermediate Rivers  

Difficult Rivers 
Clean-up Trips 

Out-of-town Trips 

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Help Desk at

(866) 457-2582

Monday - Friday,

8:30 AM - 7 PM Eastern Time

Trip Reports

August 2 Lower Platte Cleanup

Lois Goldstein | Published on 8/2/2022
We have been cleaning the Lower Platte for seventeen years, and given the number of folks we saw on the river today, it's obvious why we will probably never be done.  Most of the things we found were old, though there was some fresh beef jerky, flip flops, and some ancient beer cans, unopened water bottles plus a giant wood pallet (Dave hauled it on his kayak!) and plastic nunchucks.
People: host Lois, shuttle bunnies Wayne, Sue and Jacqui, new members Carrie and Dave, carpool buddy / tandem partner Leslie, and 3 Czerwonkas (with two paddles)
On the way home, Leslie asked me if anyone else ever cleans the river.  There is another group that did it in June, but they are not as thorough as we are.  Our group doesn't jus
t float; we go very slowly and look in every nook and cranny, and we're not done until mid-afternoon.  It gives us a good feeling to help out the folks at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.

Here's the note I got from Matt Mohrman, th
e ranger I work with at SBDNL:
Great job, Lois and crew -- 17 years and going strong -- the pallet is impressive!!
Thank you!

Report by Lois, photos by Lois and Jacqui

Sue checking out the shoreline

Leslie and Wayne

Halftime at the Fish Weir: Zack, Greg, Wayne, Leslie, Sue, Jacqui, Lois, Dave (Carrie and Beck were so
mewhere else)

Wayne and Jacqui near the end

Leslie and Sue preparing to haul Sue's kayak

Lois and the trash at the end.