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Traverse Area Paddle Club

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HomeEventsBR Dock Float & Recon To Beitner

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BR Dock Float & Recon To Beitner

Thursday, July 10, 2014, 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM
Boardman River

Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Norm R Fred
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Cancellation Policy:
If you have to cancel for any reason, please notify the trip host ASAP. Phone numbers are in the member directory on the TAPC website.
July 10, 2014 - FINAL Debris Removal from the BBL to Shumsky Section
And Recon / Cleanup to Beitner.

So, I had an idea . . . . . . .  Usually when that happens, everyone says "Ugh!".


But this one may be fun.


Next Thursday, I am going to try to FINALLY get the last 2 docks

out of the BBL to SL section.


They are very close together and very near the Shumsky Landing.


I also want to do a recon from Shumsky to Beitner to mark

the docks we found earlier and to be sure they have not moved since we first

found them in early June.


So, I propose:


1.  We start at 9:00am at a private property I know of  just 30 minutes from Shumsky.

The pieces are about 20 minutes from there.


2.  Move our cars to Beitner Rd.


3.  We'll pickup the two docks and float them down (Strapped together and

on two blocks of styrofoam) to the damaged bridge just upstream from Shumsky

and drop them off there along with the stryrofoam blocks for later pick up.

That should be interesting, photogenic and quite humerus.

Anyone who wants to may try it.   I don't want to hog all the fun.



Then we will continue to Bietner looking for trash and docks.


It will take about 3-4 hours and we'll be done by 2:00 or 3:00.

Friday is the BRCS-NCF and I will have to be out at the barns on Thursday

anyway to pick up trailers, gear, etc. so it's a "no trip project" for me anyway.


I could bring a lunch for everyone.  We have some grant money for that.


Anyone interested?


Sign up now so I know how much food to order.